
Ways to Help Someone in Emotional Distress

It is normal to experience a certain level of stress given the difficult interactions and situations we find ourselves in as health care workers

When You Work With a Narcissist: What to Do (and What Not to Do)

A narcissist is a person who overestimates his own importance, craves constant attention and admiration from others, has chronic relationship problems and lacks empathy for others. These people may often seem arrogant and accomplished, but people are often surprised to find that underneath the façade is a fragile self-esteem, unable to withstand the slightest criticism.

9 Ways to Better Remember Names

Are you bad with names? Try these helpful tips. 

Study Proves High Return on EAP Investment

A study conducted by the Morneau Shepell research group found that every $1 invested in an employee assistance program (EAP) translates into a return on investment of $8.70 through a combination of improved productivity at work and less time away from work.

How to Address Employee Concerns About Ebola

Ebola is a serious disease, and it has created fear for many. But it is important to stay informed and to maintain perspective. Here are tips for alleviating workplace concerns.

What You Should Know About EAPs

BJC EAP's 2013 client surveys reveal a 98 percent satisfaction rate with the clinical services provided. Learn more about BJC EAP, including misconceptions about EAP services, from an experienced employee assistance professional.

Working Under the Influence: An Accident Waiting to Happen

The workplace is not immune to drug abuse. In fact, most substance abusers are employed. In a survey of callers to the national cocaine hotline, 18 percent confessed to stealing from coworkers to support their addiction, and 64 percent admitted that their drug use negatively affected their performance.

Cold Stress: Working Safely in Winter Weather

Winter adds its own hazards to your regular safety concerns, so help your employees work safely in winter weather by training them to recognize and protect against its hazards.

Workplace Survivor Syndrome

We’ve all felt the impact of layoffs in one form or another, but people who have been spared the direct hit often find that being lucky never felt so bad. “Miserable” is how most downsizing survivors describe it – grinding through massive daily workloads while waiting anxiously for the other shoe to drop and wondering why it was the other guy, and not themselves, who ended up out of work.